

Is your son or daughter about to learn to drive?
Are you looking for excellent quality lessons, that will give your son or daughter the knowledge and skill set to be able to cope on our busy roads?
Unfortunately those drivers who have just qualified account for a high percentage of collisions or are killed or seriously injured on our roads within the first two years of qualifying. See "The Honest Truth" link below for more information.


Therefore it makes sense to choose an instructor who cares about giving good quality lessons to your son or daughter not just because they make a living out of it but because they want to help these young people become good decision makers, and responsible drivers.
Whilst you cannot eliminate all risk, it does make sense to get quality tuition, after all one day their road training may just save their life.

Julie and Sue teach in alignment with the DVSA Driver and Rider National Standards.

We DO NOT teach just to pass a driving test! Driving skills are so much more that that.

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Website Design by Adam Dicker